Meetings can be fun, productive, and better.
What if meetings were irresistible?
Spaces where we are drawn in to reflect and learn, dream generously, appreciate insights, consider complexities, create clarity, and chart paths forward?
The Toolkit
We’ve prepared a 70-page toolkit that’s full of actionable frameworks, tactics, and strategies.
Whether you are a new facilitator or a seasoned expert looking for some new ideas, this toolkit will give you actionable tools and fresh insights that will make your meetings better.
Use it to design and prepare for any meeting.
The Course
Our popular foundational facilitation and meeting design training is now accessible as a concise, self-paced online course.
Learn to navigate challenges such as engaging a group, working with disruptive behaviors, catering to different learning styles, and much more.
The e-course serves as a guide for the toolkit.
The Coaching
Preparing for an upcoming meeting?
Get custom 1-on-1 support through three online coaching sessions.
Move your learning into action and get personalized feedback. We’ll partner with you to identify solutions to your pain points and challenges.
Our coaching package includes both the toolkit and course content.
“I’ve had a lot of experience facilitating meetings, and went into Better Meetings wondering, ‘What do I have to gain?’
What Heather and Meredith talk about is the container-keeping that creates lush and generative meeting spaces – for creativity, co-creation, and having meetings be community-based in some way. There are lots of beautiful seeds about how to transform meeting spaces into spaces of creation and collaboration.”
— Christine Abernathy, Director of Housing Justice
The Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History
Free resources for better meetings:
The Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-making by Sam Kaner
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters by Priya Parker
Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity by David Sibbet
Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations That Accelerate Change by Chris Ertel & Lisa Kay Solomon
Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change by David L. Cooperrider & Diana Whitney
Introduction to Consensus by Beatrice Briggs
Leading Great Meetings: How to Structure Yours for Success by Richard M. Lent
Agenda templates for many meeting types from Lucid Meetings
Liberating structures resources for interactive meetings
No More Boring Meetings from the International Institute for Facilitation and Change
Facilitating Intentional Group Learning from the Collective Impact Forum