Better staff meetings now, please!
"The Surprising Power of Team Rituals," a recent research study published in the Harvard Business Review, reports that "the more rituals a team engages in regularly, the higher their members' engagement." Team members who participate in regular rituals are more committed to the team’s purpose, report a higher level of psychological safety, have greater knowledge of their teammates, and report higher job satisfaction. That same research study found that despite the benefits, team leaders often fail to adopt and maintain consistent and meaningful rituals.
Well-Being Reflection
Heather’s last meeting of the year was with a group of democracy advocates setting their sights on 2025. Rather than talking about policy priorities or organizing models, they focused on strengthening their well-being and the well-being of their organizations and communities.
To begin that work, Heather led the group through a set of guided journaling prompts. We're sharing them with you now as we can all benefit from a focus on well-being in 2025. Pour a cup of tea, find some quiet space, light a candle, and see what emerges in your responses to the prompts.
Rest & Fortify Reading List
As we peer into the last few weeks of December and into January, we're thinking about rest and fortification. We know the beginning of 2025 is likely to be chaotic and we want to be ready to provide support and guidance to those in our circle.
One of the ways that we both rest and fortify is by reading. We appreciate the insight and comfort that can come from the words and ideas of others. Here's what we'll be reading during the winter holidays.
Rooting Ourselves
The last two weeks have been a swirl of feelings and reactions. We are gutted by the results of the 2024 Election, but we're also proud of the movement-building work of our friends here in North Carolina and in other communities across the country. We're metabolizing our anger and grief and pondering our purpose and commitment for the next four years. Though we haven’t yet landed with clarity, we thought we'd share what's rooting our thinking.
What Might Be: Grieve, Knit, and Reimagine
Hurricane Helene left a wake of destruction in the mountains of North Carolina, a place that we at Third Space Studio know and love. Our hearts have been both broken and enlarged as we've absorbed accounts from the news, photos on social media, and donation efforts coming alive here and across the country. While much has been lost, the stories of communities coming together in response have been inspiring.
A few of our favorite things
If you've been in a meeting with us or have been a part of our Better Meetings training, you know that we believe in choosing the right method and tools for the work at hand. Our most tried and true tool is a post-it note. During the pandemic, we explored lots of online tools and several are still in our toolbox now that we are back to more in-person and hybrid meetings. Here are a few of our favorites. What are your favorite tools?
Panic Responsibly
We started 2024 with a bit of trepidation, knowing it's a significant election year and that folks are still worn down by the pandemic and much more. Then a turbulent summer arrived. Meredith acknowledged the chaos by donning a Panic Responsibly t-shirt in her neighborhood’s 75th Annual July Fourth Parade and Heather has one on order. With plans to wear them regularly, we got to thinking about what it means to “panic responsibly.”
Board meetings can be fabulous
We believe board meetings are an essential ingredient for an effective board. An effective board not only governs, but is responsible for navigating an organization through challenging times such as a shift in client needs, the loss of a significant funding source, or a leadership transition. Boards who have the ability to engage in thoughtful and strategic conversation can lead an organization to be more innovative and bold in its pursuit of impact.
Equity Leaps
On Leap Day this year, I was with the North Carolina Network of Grantmakers to facilitate a session and had the privilege of attending others. With the permission of my small group members and conference organizers, I want to share a story from one of the sessions I attended. It was one of the more engaging and useful conference sessions that I have attended in a very long time. It was one of those conversations that can be a catapult for a leap.
How will you show up this Election Year? Can you do it with love and joy?
As you set your goals and priorities for 2024, are you thinking about the election? How are you going to be an engaged citizen this year? How will your nonprofit participate in democracy?
Celebrating 23 Years
This week we’re celebrating 23 years of Third Space Studio! Our anniversary prompted us to look through old files and reminisce about days past. We came across an article we wrote for our 10-year anniversary about the ingredients that have been our recipe for success as we’ve worked with and learned from innovative nonprofit leaders.
Five Things We’re Leaving Behind in 2023
As 2023 comes to a close and we peer into 2024, we're thinking about what we might leave behind this year. We hope that you'll consider leaving one or more behind yourself. Perhaps our collective effort to shed what's no longer serving us will create some needed disruption.
Spaces and Voices
The other day someone asked me about the origins of our business name, Third Space Studio. The question took me back twenty plus years reminding me of the power of a “third space”. The question also grounded me in the present as the concept of a third space seems very relevant in the current dynamics of polarization and the global need to listen more deeply to a wide array of voices and perspectives.
As facilitators who work with teams to craft forward direction, we often find ourselves amid multiple team decision – or non-decision – moments. It’s a topic we care about a lot. We believe that making choices is essential to strategy and to effectiveness. Clear decision-making processes are one of the ways to build a stronger, more thoughtful team.
Transparency generates trust and fosters an environment where people are willing to share direct and honest feedback. A culture of transparency helps employees feel valued and encourages creativity. Transparent organizations can be less stressful places to work, and they're better equipped to navigate uncertainty and complexity.
Being accountable means showing up and accomplishing what you said you would do. Accountability within a team means that your teammates can count on you and you can count on them.
Finding Swing
We often assume our organizations are in alignment. Everyone knows the mission, right? Yet even when every board and staff member can recite the mission, your organization may not truly be aligned.
How do you build a strong team?
Creating this kind of team is not about where the team works, but about how the team works. It's about practices, not incentivizing or mandating where employees show up to do work. We need habits and mindsets that support teamwork regardless of whether the team is remote or in-person.
The Art of Teamwork
I just completed a ten-day road trip driving art that belonged to my mother to my sister in Tucson, Arizona. I stopped at eight museums along the way: art, musical instruments, civil rights, and dinosaurs. I stared at big open sky and marveled at desert vegetation. It is these kinds of experiences that make travel important. I hope you get out there this summer.
My favorite spring days start with time in the garden. I listen to the birds welcome the day with chirps and trills. I breathe in the cool damp air. I marvel at the blossoms and buds. Some mornings, I plant. Every morning, I weed. As I bend down to pluck out green shoots, I stretch and notice how my body feels. Garden time also yields reflections I apply to my work life.